Category Archives: Coldsnap

Aug. 19, 2012: Gayyyyy Draft… :P Hahaha Just Kidding.

Hahaha I played a Coldsnap draft with Antony and James. I haven’t actually drafted in a long time which explains my lack of updates. Mostly pre-con or cube lately so… It was pretty interesting playing this set. Lots of complexity involved and thinking. I couldn’t figure out how what cards to pick (we played a rotisserie draft) or what to play with our open mana.

Because of cumulative upkeep, it was very tough to decide what we wanted to do and play… Haha I dunno what to think of it. I really enjoy the set. It’s good for us veterans but I don’t know how the newbies would take it. Haha. But it was worthwhile. 🙂